util/ddsp/util/scale.d(60,9): Deprecation: `x < _minVal ? x = _minVal : x` must be surrounded by parentheses when next to operator `=` util/ddsp/util/scale.d(61,9): Deprecation: `x > _maxVal ? x = _maxVal : x` must be surrounded by parentheses when next to operator `=` util/ddsp/util/scale.d(90,9): Deprecation: `x < _minVal ? x = _minVal : x` must be surrounded by parentheses when next to operator `=` util/ddsp/util/scale.d(91,9): Deprecation: `x > _maxVal ? x = _maxVal : x` must be surrounded by parentheses when next to operator `=` ../5b9a6dcc592222f16572e159-dplug/core/dplug/core/sync.d(388,5): Deprecation: Usage of the `body` keyword is deprecated. Use `do` instead. effect/ddsp/effect/effect.d(31,25): Error: safe function `ddsp.effect.effect.AudioEffect!float.AudioEffect.processBuffers` cannot index pointer `outputBuffer` effect/ddsp/effect/effect.d(114,17): Error: template instance `ddsp.effect.effect.AudioEffect!float` error instantiating /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.